Parent/carer induction for students aged 14 and older

When young people start accessing Coventry Alternative Provision, it is very important for our service to have as much information as possible. This helps us to ensure we are offering a course that will fulfil your child's expectations and meet any needs that they may have. 

It is also important that we recognise that our students are of school age and will be taking on new responsibilities by accessing Coventry Alternative Provision. This will include travelling to and from provisions, accessing a real working environment and at some providers, being able to go offsite for break times. However, you as the parent/carer have the overall say and therefore consent is required upon induction. Where consent has not been obtained by parents/carers, CAP will assume that parents/carers do not consent.

If you require support to complete this form or would like it in a different language please contact us. 

Complete the forms to give your consent

To make things much more effective we have now made all of these forms available online. Please complete the forms and submit. This will then be recorded by our service and shared with the training provider/s in which your child attends.


Work Related Learning

Address: Friargate

Telephone: 024 7697 2868