Parent/carer induction for students aged 13 and younger

When young people start accessing Coventry Alternative Provision, it is very important for our service to have as much information as possible. This helps us to ensure we are offering a course that will fulfil your child's expectations and meet any needs that they may have. 

It is also important that we recognise that CAP is very different to attending school and therefore it is essential that students are well supported throughout this process. 

During delivery CAP sometimes take photographs and videos, this may be to evidence work in student portfolios or marketing purposes. In order to do this, we must obtain permission from parents/carers. If you are happy for us to do so please complete the consent form:

Where consent has not been obtained by parents/carers, CAP will assume that parents/carers do not consent. If you require support to complete this form or would like it in a different language, please contact us.