Appendix 1: Community Learning course fees 2023/24

Fee rates for academic year 2023/2024
Fee Rate Category/Course Type Fee rate
Standard Fee Rate £4.00 per hour
Non-regulated English, Maths, ESOL, Digital, Family Learning Free of Charge
GoCV+ Rate 80 pence per hour(min £10; max £16 for 20 hours)
’66 & Over’ Fee £3.00 per hour
Music* Practical (e.g. Guitar, Piano, Ukulele) *Music Theory courses will be charged at Standard Fee Rate £6.50 per hour
Creche Registration Fee £10.00 per learner per term (regardless of the number of children or number of courses being attended)
Full Cost Recovery (learner not eligible for WMCA/ESFA funding) £10.00 per hour