Coventry City Council Adult Education Service

Fees Policy – Academic Year 2024/25

This document sets out Adult Education Service course fees for 2024/25. The Service is dedicated to ensuring all adults can access high quality education in an affordable and flexible way.

Charging a course fee where applicable is not only a requirement of our funders but also an important way to generate income to enable the Council to deliver its adult education strategy and be financially sustainable.

Course fees are charged where learners’ personal circumstances don’t meet the criteria for full fee remission through the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) or West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA). The ESFA and WMCA provide a list of eligibility criteria for fee remission or reduction, and you may be asked to provide evidence matched to these criteria where applicable. If fees are payable, those over a total cost of £100 can be paid in instalments by direct debit. Hourly fees for nonaccredited courses are outlined in Appendix 1.

However, many of our accredited courses that lead to a certificate or qualification and some non-accredited courses are free for some people regardless of income. We also have a learning support fund which can provide financial assistance in some cases. If you are interested in studying with us but are not sure whether you can afford the fee advertised, please attend an enrolment session or get in touch to discuss your situation by ringing 024 7697 5200 or emailing

Late joiners

Where a course fee applies, the full fee is payable by late joiners, except where a place was unavailable to a learner at the course start date due to circumstances solely and exclusively within the Adult Education Service’s control. In this case a pro-rata fee is payable based on the remaining course hours at the joining date.

Places for carers

If carers are accompanying an enrolled learner in a caring capacity, not a learner one, they should not be asked to complete an enrolment form, or be included in the course register, or be charged an hourly course fee.

Refund Policy

If a learner has paid for a course or programme, refunds will be considered in the following circumstances:

1. Cancellation by the Adult Education Service due to:

a) Insufficient numbers of enrolled/paid learners for a course to run

b) Single class cancellation for adverse weather conditions

c) Single class cancellation for tutor absence, where a substitute tutor cannot be found to cover the session

Note: Learners who are on benefit and pay reduced fees for their course will only receive a refund if Adult Education Service cancel the whole course.

2. If a learner has paid for a course or programme but cannot begin it because:

a) They have commenced paid employment that clashes with the time of the course or programme.

b) The learner has become sick, and the period of sickness is expected to last for the majority of the course or programme.

c) The learner has moved away from the area.

For the above circumstances full refunds will be given on production of the receipt and evidence of the circumstance.

3. If a learner has paid for a course or programme but does not attend for other reasons, pro rata refunds will only be given to cover the remainder of the course in exceptional circumstances. Learners should submit a request stating the exceptional circumstance(s) to the appropriate education manager for consideration.

Note: If a learner requests a refund because the course does not meet their needs, refunds will only be considered if the course information was misleading or inaccurate in any way (in which case the Trades Description Act might apply). With a learner in this category, the relevant education manager will arrange a meeting to ensure that the learner's grievance is legitimate. The explanation 'The course was not what I expected' is not enough to justify a refund.

Appendix 1: Course Fees – Academic Year 2024/25

Community Programme:

The Community Programme comprises non-accredited learning opportunities that aim to meet one or more of 7 purposes: Engaging and/or building confidence; Preparation for further learning; Preparation for employment; Improving essential skills (English, ESOL, maths, digital); Equipping parents/carers to support children’s learning; Health and well-being; and Developing stronger communities.

Category/Course Type Fee per hour 2024/2025
Standard Fee Rate £4.20 per hour
English, Maths, English Language Acquisition (ESOL), Digital, Family Learning Free of Charge
GoCV+ Rate 90 pence per hour(min £10; max £18 for 20 hours)
‘66 years old & Over’ Rate £3.15 per hour
Not eligible for WMCA/ESFA funding £10.00 per hour

Leisure Programme*:

The Leisure Programme comprises non-accredited learning opportunities that do not aim to meet one or more of the 7 purposes for learning listed in the above section. Rather, courses are designed to meet identified needs around ‘learning for learning’s sake’. The hourly rates are higher as these courses are not funded by central government.

Category Fee per hour 2024/2025
Standard Fee Rate £8.00 per hour
GoCV+ Rate £2.00 per hour
‘66 years old & Over’ Rate £6.00 per hour

*One-to-one tuition for Piano lessons is available at £25.00 per hour. If you are interested please attend an enrolment session or get in touch by ringing 024 7697 5200 or emailing