Carers' eligibility

There are three questions we will consider for carers:

  1. Do you have needs because you are providing necessary care to an adult?
  2. Does your caring role have an effect on you which means that at least one of the statements below apply?
  3. And, because of this, is there, or is there likely to be, a significant impact or effect on your wellbeing?

If the answer to all three questions is yes, then you will have eligible needs for care and support.

When considering question 1 we may decide that the care you provide is not necessary.

For example, we may think that the person you care for can reasonably be expected do the things that you are doing for them.

Alternatively, we may decide that your needs or problems are the result of something other than your caring role.

These are the statements we will look at in question 2:

  • your physical or mental health is at risk of being affected, or
  • you are unable to do at least one of the following things without support:
    • look after any children you have responsibilities for
    • provide care to any other person
    • maintain a habitable home environment
    • eat properly and maintain proper nutrition
    • maintain and develop your relationships with family and friends
    • engage in work, training, education and volunteering
    • make use of necessary resources and facilities in the community, including recreational facilities
    • make time for social activities and hobbies

You are assessed as being “unable” to do these things if:

  • you need help to do them
  • you can do them without help, but it causes you significant pain, distress or anxiety
  • you can do them without help but it could or does put yours or another person’s health and safety at risk

When looking at the impact on your wellbeing we will think about things like personal dignity, control over your day to day life, relationships with other people, having suitable accommodation, protection from abuse and neglect and taking part in education, work or social activities.

We might think the impact on your wellbeing is “significant” if it will have an important or a major effect on your daily life and independence.

If your needs change or vary from time to time because of your health or situation, we will consider this when making decisions about whether you are eligible for support.

How will I know about the decision?

After the assessment we will write to and explain our decision and the reasons behind it.

If you have eligible needs we will work with you to plan your support as explained in the next section.

If you do not have needs that are eligible we will give you information and advice about what support is available to help you. For example, this could be from local charities or voluntary organisations.

Adult Social Care Direct

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Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7683 3003