- 16+ Looked after Children Placements
- 18+ Unstaffed Semi-Independent Accommodation
- 2020 Children's and Young People's Plan
- Accommodated under s.20 Children Act
- Accommodating children in custody
- Accommodation and looked after children
- Accommodation for care leavers: REQ05343
- Adoption disruptions
- Adoption Services
- Adoptions arranged by the Council
- Age disputes and UASCs
- Albanian children reported missing
- Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) therapy packages
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Breakdown of children by EU national, UASC and Other non-British national
- British National Overseas Visa Holders and School Places
- Care experienced housed in unregulated accommodation
- Care leavers
- Care leavers
- Care Leavers Offer
- Care leavers' setting up home allowance
- CCE & CSE data
- Channel/Prevent Information sharing/privacy documents
- Child abuse/neglect assessments
- Child Adoption data
- Child assessments related to gang involvement
- Child Asylum Seekers
- Child Employment Permits
- Child exploitation and school exclusions
- Child safeguarding reviews
- Childcare Provider Invoices
- Children and care leaver young people with insecure immigration status
- Children and Families Across Borders
- Children assessed by Children's Social Care
- Children at risk of forced marriage
- Children identified as potential victims of modern slavery
- Children in care
- Children in care
- Children in care
- Children in Care 2016/17 to 2018/19
- Children in care due to carer imprisonment
- Children in care who re-entered care
- Children in Need and Early Help
- Children leaving care homes
- Children Living in Supported Accommodation
- Children Missing Education
- Children referred to the National Referral Mechanism 2018 to 2023
- Children referred to the NRM as potential victims of modern slavery
- Children removed from families
- Children removed from parents and EHCP