Processes and responsibilities of the Education Capital Strategy Team

  • Management of supply and demand of school places across Coventry to fulfil the local authority's statutory duty in providing sufficient school places.
  • Management of education capital investment in school buildings and close liaison with academy trusts and Diocesan Authorities, who have responsibility for capital investment in academy and voluntary aided schools.
  • Constructing the One Strategic Plan, which outlines proposals to change the capacity of schools and open new schools in order to meet the changing needs of communities across the city.
  • Coordinating academy conversions.
  • Liaising with the planning authority for proposed and new developments.
  • Determining term dates in liaison with colleagues, schools, academy trusts, parents/carers, professional associations, Diocesan Boards of Education, Trade Unions and other local authorities.
  • Working with health professionals, SEND colleagues and schools to make, where possible, necessary changes required to school buildings and sites for pupils requiring access arrangements in educational settings where they are deemed outside of the school's responsibility to deliver 'reasonable adjustments'.

Education Capital Strategy

School sufficiency

We have a statutory duty to ensure sufficient school places and fair, appropriate access to education. It is our role to plan, commission and organise school places in a way that raises standards, manages supply and demand and creates a diverse infrastructure.

The One Strategic Plan helps schools, parents/carers, colleagues, local partners and stakeholders understand how we set out school place planning: the ways in which places will be delivered; the information that will be used, and the way work is conducted with people to deliver high quality, accessible school places for all learners.

Under Section 14 of the Education Act 1996, Coventry City Council has a statutory duty to ensure sufficient school places and fair, appropriate access to education. It is the Council’s role to plan, commission and organise school places in a way that raises standards, manages supply and demand and creates a diverse infrastructure. From September 2019, additional capacity has been added in our secondary schools to mitigate these larger cohorts; this is being provided through a model of both permanent and temporary expansions to ensure sufficiency of places, viability for schools, and cost-efficiency.

Education Capital Strategy

Education Capital Programme

The Capital Programme (One Strategic Plan) was approved by Cabinet members in January 2023. This programme sets out how we plan and manage the supply and demand of school places over the coming years. One of its purposes is to outline where additional places are required; this can take the form of expansions, new schools or school reorganisations.

The Education Capital Strategy Team also work with Compliance and Surveying colleagues to manage the school estate - through a programme of identified, priority works - and ensure the maintenance of standards and compliance across all schools in Coventry.

Education Capital Strategy

School information

Across Coventry, there are 85 primary schools, 22 secondary schools and 9 special schools. All schools, including academies and free schools, are considered equally in the Council’s planning of school places.

Primary, Secondary and Special Headteacher Partnerships signify a commitment and cooperation between the Council, governing bodies and school leadership teams to achieve a fair and open way of meeting the educational needs of local families and their children.

This partnership commitment signifies a statement of intent to collaborate and work in partnership to achieve the best possible outcomes for children and young people in Coventry, ensure the sustainability of Coventry schools, and enable us to meet our statutory obligations.

Education Capital Strategy