Adopted Coventry Local Plan (2011-2031)

Coventry Local Plan

The Coventry Local Plan was formally adopted by Council on 6 December 2017 following receipt of the Planning Inspectors Report. The Local Plan is the statutory document used by the Council to determine planning applications. The Local Plan including the adoption statements and all evidence examined in public can be found in the adopted Local Plan document Library. Please use our interactive online policies map to view our Local Plan policies map. 

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) that support the Local Plan and its policies can, if adopted, be found on the SPDs page. This page includes SPDs currently in draft form, which will also be listed on our consultation page.

View our Planning homepage if you are searching for a specific planning application or looking for other Development Management considerations. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding the above information, the Local Plan or supplementary guidance, please contact the Planning Policy Team.

Planning Policy team

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097