Registering a new food business
If you are planning to open a new food business, or take over an existing business as the new food business operator, you will need to register the business with us.
All food businesses/operations are required to register. ‘Food’ includes drink, chewing gum and any substance, including water, intentionally incorporated into the food during its manufacture, preparation or treatment. So even if you just sell drinks, you will need to be registered with us. There are some exceptions to low risk, or occasional activities, such as tea and biscuits at coffee mornings, or one off events.
You also need to register if you are a food broker. Food Brokers sell food products from various producers and manufacturers to other wholesale and retail food businesses. Check if you are a food broker []
How to register your food business
All types of food business have a legal requirement to register at least 28 days before opening. It is free to register the business.
Check online that you are within Coventry [].
Once you have registered with us, as long as you can produce food safely, you can start trading. You do not have to wait until you have been inspected.
Complete the registration form []
Approved premises
Certain types of food businesses that produce dairy products, meat products, fishery products, egg products, minced meat or meat preparation may require a different type of registration, called ‘Approval’.
If you think that your new food business falls into this category, you must contact the Food Safety Team [/foodsafetyteam] as soon as possible – food businesses that require 'Approval' cannot start trading until approval has been granted.
Other considerations
When setting up a new food business you may also wish to contact one or more of the following for further information:
- Planning [/planning]
- Trading Standards [/tradingstandards] (e.g. food labelling)
- Market stalls [/marketsandstreettrading]
- City Centre trading: 024 7622 4927
- Street trading licence (outside the city centre) [/streettradinglicence]
- Licensing (for both alcohol and food businesses open after 11pm) [/info/23/food_alcohol_and_entertainment_licensing/416/licence_-_alcohol_and_entertainment]
Food and Safety team
Open 9amâ5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
Address: PO Box 15Council House
Earl Street
Running a food business
I’m starting up a new food business, what do I need to do?
Take a look at our business advice sheets, in particular starting a food business [] and the food safety checklist [].
Do I need a food licence?
You do not need a licence to run food business in Coventry. You do however need to be registered with us as a food business []. This is free, and should be done 28 days before you start trading.
If you wish to trade on the public highway you will require a street trading licence [].
Do I need planning permission?
You must make sure that your premises has the correct “use” for the sort of business you wish to run.
Further advice on this can be found via the planning team [/planningapps].
Can I run a food business from home?
You can, but you must still meet the food law requirements. Take a look at our advice sheets [].
What training do my staff need?
You must make sure that food handlers are supervised and instructed and/or trained in food hygiene matters associated with their work activities.
A food handler is any person involved in a food business that handles or prepares food (open or packaged).
The level of training depends on the job of the individual and the type of food they handle. Find out more about food hygiene training [].
What paperwork do I need?
All food businesses are required to have a documented food safety management system in place which identifies what could go wrong to the food you sell, what steps you take to keep the food safe and what you will do if there is a problem. The amount of paperwork required will depend on the size and nature of your businesses. Most small independent caterers in Coventry can use something called the Safer Food Better Business pack [] to meet this requirement.
You can either download and print a pack for free, or order a pack online for a small fee [].
How often do you visit?
Following your initial inspect after registering with us, your next inspection will be determined by the risk rating the business receives. This is based on your FHRS score, but also includes a weighting for what sort of food you prepare, how many people you cater for and whether you cater for a vulnerable group (e.g. under 5’s or the elderly).
This will range between every 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months and 36 months. The most high risk businesses are inspected the most frequently.
We may also visit if we receive any complaints; to undertake sampling; to check you have made improvements following an inspection; and to provide advice.
What temperature should my fridge and freezer be?
It is a legal requirement that fridges keep food at or below 8°C, however you must also look at manufacturer’s instructions on food who may require food to be kept colder.
Freezers should run at around -18°C to keep food hard and fully frozen at all times.
What temperature should I cook food to?
Cooking food until the core temperature is 75°C or above will ensure that harmful bacteria are destroyed. Make sure that any probe thermometers used are cleaned and sanitised before use.
It may not always be practical to check the core temperature with a thermometer every time food is cooked. Alternative methods of monitoring may include:
- Following an established cooking practice (time/temperature formula) and always adhering to the same cooking conditions.
- Visually looking for bubbling/steaming hot food or a change in colour (e.g. raw/pink to cooked/white)
Food and Safety team
Open 9amâ5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
Address: PO Box 15Council House
Earl Street
Food Safety Management systems
It is a legal requirement for all food businesses to have in place a certain amount of food safety paperwork, to prove that food is produced safely.
Different businesses will need a different amount of paperwork, depending on the size of the business, and the type of food that is being produced. For example, a small café will need a different amount of paperwork compared to a food factory.
How can I comply with the law?
You must identify steps in the activities of the business that are critical to ensuring food safety. Having identified those steps, you need to ensure that adequate safety procedures are identified, implemented, maintained and reviewed in order to control the potential food hazards. These controls may include temperature control, cleaning, avoiding cross-contamination, thorough cooking of food, personal hygiene etc.
The Government has produced a Safer Food, Better Business (SFBB) pack and diary refills [] to help businesses comply with this requirement. This is usually suitable for cafés, restaurants, takeaways, nurseries and other caterers. Safer Food Better Business packs and diary refill packs can be purchased on our website [].
Cake making businesses
If you are thinking of setting up a cake making business from home, there are two useful leaflets that you should read before registering:
- Cake makers advice sheet []
- Cake makers hazard analysis []
Food and Safety team
Open 9amâ5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
Address: PO Box 15Council House
Earl Street