Making a bid

The owner of a property that is listed as an Asset of Community Value must inform the Council when they intend to sell the property and we will inform the nominator.

If you wish to make a bid you must inform us within six weeks of us telling you the property is available to purchase that you intend to do so.  You will then have six months to put a bid together. This six month period is known as the moratorium period and runs from the date that the owner advises us of their intention to sell.

At any point before the end of the six month moratorium period you may enter into negotiations with the property owner providing the owner is willing to do this.  We would ask that we are kept informed of any developments.

At the end of the moratorium period if you have successfully put a bid together the owner will have the option to accept your bid or sell the property on the open market.

Community Right to Bid

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street