If you are at risk of becoming homeless, tell us as soon as you can by registering with us.

Referrals for families, or single people aged 25 and over [https://hpa2.org/referral/FormPage.aspx]

Referrals for people aged 16-24 without children [https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=OsRclmLMnEKUZx5NrtlXOsJJvG9kQNFDgTW20iQo-AxUNTYxMUQyUzVVOFJTUjNDOEdWQTRWSUVKRS4u]

When will I be contacted?

Once you have completed the online registration form, we will then need to complete a housing needs assessment. This will enable us to give you the best advice that we can.

Where possible, we'll contact you within 3 working days to book your assessment.

What will I get out of my housing needs assessment?

If you're eligible for help, we will do the following:

  • Wherever possible, we'll try and prevent you from losing your home. If we can't, we'll try and help you find somewhere else to live
  • We'll put a plan together so you're clear on what can be done to resolve your situation. We will also let you know about any other agencies that may be able to help you
  • We will provide you with as much advice as we can, and we'll make sure you are aware of all the options available so you can make the right decisions to help your situation

Further information

Homelessness advice [/homelessnessadvice]

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Homelessness Advice Service

If you are homeless and have nowhere safe to stay tonight, please call 024 7683 4025. Our phone lines are open 9am – 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For out of hours emergencies please call 024 7683 2222. If you are worried you may be at risk of losing your home, you can access help by completing an online referral.

Telephone: 024 7683 4025 [tel:02476834025]

Young people experiencing homelessness

If you are aged 16-24, are a single or a couple, and do not have children, you can access the Housing & Homelessness service by contacting the Coventry Youth Hub.

Telephone: 0121 269 1940 [tel:01212691940]