Lifelong Links guide for professionals

Lifelong Links is an exciting opportunity for care experienced young people. Lifelong Links is an exciting opportunity for care experienced young people.

Who is eligible?

 Young people are eligible for Lifelong Links if they are aged between 18 and 25 years and are care experienced.

What is it?

Lifelong Links is a service that aims to build lasting relationships for care experienced young people in Coventry. It helps to bring together support networks, that can include people the young person knows well, but has not seen for a while (like a neighbour or a teacher), and even family members they have not yet met.

How can it help?

A Lifelong Links Co-ordinator can work closely with the young person to contact friends, family members, and associates of their choice, to create a network the young person can turn to for support. By being involved with Lifelong Links, young people can also learn more about their family history and find answers to questions they might have.

What is a Lifelong Links Family Group Conference?

A Lifelong Links Family Group Conference is a meeting between the young person, their chosen friends and family members, and their Lifelong Links Co-ordinator. The young person’s Lifelong Links Co-ordinator will provide all the information they need about how the Lifelong Links Family Group Conference will work, and will spend time preparing for this with the young person beforehand.

What is the purpose of a Lifelong Links Family Group Conference?

Those present at the Lifelong Links Family Group Conference will help the young person to make their individual Lifelong Links Plan. This will support them:

  • to have lasting relationships they can depend on,
  • to be clear about who is responsible for staying in touch and how this will happen,
  • to learn more about their history and to develop a stronger sense of their identity,
  • to know who they can turn to for emotional and practical support.

Who will attend their Lifelong Links Family Group Conference?

This will vary but will usually include the young person and anyone they have chosen to contact, remain in contact with, or re-unite with via the Lifelong Links process.

The Lifelong Links Co-ordinator and PA will also attend but will not stay during the private family time part of the meeting.

What happens after the Lifelong Links Family Group Conference?

The PA will work with the young person and their support network to ensure that their plan is safe and that it is carried out. The young person’s plan will become part of their Pathway Plan and the overall support in place as they continue their transition to independence.

A Review Lifelong Links Family Group Conference will be offered to the young person to make sure their plan is working well. The young person’s plan will also be regularly reviewed by their PA.

Remember it is their choice.

Lifelong Links will only happen with the young person’s agreement. If they change their mind about being involved at any time, they can tell their Personal Advisor (PA), their PA’s Team Leader, or their Lifelong Links Co-ordinator.

Lifelong Links / Family Group Conference team

Address: Floor 4, Broadgate House,