
The People Plan outlines activities for the next three years and builds on the foundations now in place, whilst playing a central role in supporting the One Coventry Plan and its priorities.

Our workforce is key to our success, so providing the right ‘tools’ for the job, being clear on purpose, being agile, giving and receiving feedback, working collaboratively, with support and appreciation is the benchmark we are setting ourselves. The five identified ‘people’ priorities reflect the feedback from consultation undertaken with stakeholders as well as the identified organisational needs from the One Coventry Plan.

The Council’s One Coventry Plan sets out our vision and priorities for the city, based on our commitments to the people of Coventry and the things that residents have told us are most important. Responding to this means our People Plan is more focused on the needs and aspirations of our communities than ever before. Our employees are essential to the delivery of those Council priorities, with the People Plan’s central theme being to support a motivated and engaged workforce. Critical to that is having a workforce that is diverse and inclusive, we have developed a separate Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Strategy to help us achieve that aim. We are early adopters of the Race Code and actively support both our employee networks and Trades Union colleagues through partnership working.

As the national and global economic climate remains very challenging, increasing the economic prosperity of the city and the region to ensure the continued financial sustainability of the Council is clearly reflected as a One Coventry priority. We want as part of our plan to develop our talented workforce through effective succession planning, timely and personalised learning opportunities to future-proof the capabilities and skills needed going forward.

The overall aim of the plan is to:

  • Continue to work towards being a more diverse and inclusive employer
  • Support recruitment and retention challenges with a focus on Children’s and Adult Services to address their specific needs
  • Be more effective at workforce planning, and the delivery of people analytics
  • To support evidence-based decision making
  • Take our talent management from strength to strength
  • Have strong employee engagement throughout the Council Continue to improve the mental and physical health of the workforce Support better engagement with health and safety, increasing incident reporting and risk assessment training
  • Grow managers' confidence to become effective people managers Provide learning opportunities for the future including having a digitally-enabled workforce
  • Continue to develop an open and fair culture Effective policies and procedures
  • Reward and recognition

We have five strategic People priorities for the Council for 2023-25

We believe these five broad themes encompass the One Coventry Plan, reflect the consultation undertaken with key stakeholders and feedback from the wider workforce.

  1. Employee wellbeing
  2. Workforce diversity & inclusion
  3. Employee experience
  4. Agile and flexible workforce
  5. Digital HR

Download a full colour version of the plan