Urban design, heritage, conservation and transport policy
This page provides an overview of urban design and heritage policy as established through the Local Plan and supporting documents. All design, conservation and heritage policy are underpinned by the Local Plan chapters:
- Design: download the Design chapter
- Heritage: download the Heritage chapter or download the information
- Accessibility: download the Accessibility chapter or view the Accessibility chapter online
These must be read in conjunction with all the other Local Plan Policies and not independently. Further useful information relating to urban design, conservation areas, historic environment and transport specifically has been drawn together for your convenience below, again it is important to note that other guidance may be relevant depending on the type and location of development proposed.
Relevant supplementary planning documents
Below is a list of SPDs that are mainly relevant to urban design, heritage and conservation. Nevertheless, other aspects of development affecting these matters may be covered in other subject areas. Furthermore, the location of development may necessitate the consideration of spatially specific documents. We recommend that you consult the full list of SPDs for any nature of work you may be undertaking. Some of design related SPDs have been listed below;
- Coventry Connected SPD
- New Residential design guide
- Sustainable Urban Extension
- Urban Design Guidance
- Householder Design Guide SPD
- Design guidelines for development in Coventry's Ancient Arden
- Design Guidance on Shopfronts for Conservation Areas and Historic Buildings
- Coventry Station Masterplan Report
- Tall Buildings Design Guide and View Management Framework
List of supporting documents
- Coventry Local Plan 2016 Examination Library Hearing Statements Session 9: Historic and natural environment
- Coventry Local Plan 2016 Examination Library Hearing Statements Session 10: Transport matters
- Design
- Heritage
- Evidence base - accessibility
Further information
- Highways
- Heritage, ecology and trees
- Listed buildings
- Sustainability Appraisal (SA)
- National Planning Policy Framework
- Planning Practice guidance
- National Design Guidance
- Street for a Healthy Life
- National Model Design Code
- Living with beauty
- Safety in high-rise residential buildings
- Healthy and safe communities
- Street for All
- Manual for Streets
Urban Design and Heritage Team
Address: PO Box 15Council House
Earl Street
Planning Policy team
Address: PO Box 15Council House
Earl Street