
At The Key Intervention it is everyone’s responsibility to keep children safe and create a culture of vigilance.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding (DDSL) have received appropriate DSL training and continue to receive updates on training as required.

All SEMHL staff receive annual safeguarding training, along with regular updates as part of the staff CPD programme.

All Coventry SEND service staff have enhanced DBS checks, these are renewed as appropriate.

Coventry SEND service follow Coventry City Council's safer recruitment policy and senior leaders have attended Safer Recruitment Training.

The Key Intervention sites are maintained by Coventry City Council and all health and safety checks are completed as per council policy.

Annual safeguarding monitoring visits take place from Coventry’s Safeguarding In Education Adviser.

The Key Intervention is covered under the Local Authority’s SEND Service Public Liability Insurance.

Concerned about a pupil?

If you are concerned about a child at the Key Intervention, please speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team.

Safeguarding team

Key @ Howes 

Photo Role
Mrs Rowley, Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead

Mrs Rowley, Designated Safeguard Lead

Key @ Parkgate

Photo Role
Miss Neale, Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead

Miss Neale, Designated Safeguard Lead

Mrs Dalton, Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead

Miss Dalton, Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead

School’s responsibility

All pupils who access The Key Intervention are on the roll of a Coventry school. While a pupil is on a placement, the overall responsibility for monitoring of safeguarding remains with the home school.

It is the school’s responsibility to ensure;

  • The DSL has visited The Key Intervention before the pupil begins their placement.
  • They have received, read, and understood the Key Intervention Child Protection and Safeguarding policy
  • A member of staff visits the pupil at The Key Intervention each half term.
  • The DSL Communicates any safeguarding updates about individual pupils to the DSL at The Key while the pupil is on a placement
  • Invites to any social care or early help meetings are shared with the DSL at The Key Intervention
  • The DSL continues to monitor, follow up and action any safeguarding concerns that are raised during the pupil’s placement at The Key Intervention.

As documented in the Key Intervention Child Protection and Safeguarding policy: When a safeguarding concern is raised about a pupil at The Key Intervention, a lilac ‘concern’ form is completed and handed to the DSL the same day.

The DSL at The Key will make contact with the home school’s DSL the same day to inform them of the concern and the action taken. The Lilac concern form is then sent to the school’s DSL via the secure mailing system, Data locker.

Safeguarding support

SEND Support Service - The Key Intervention

Telephone: 024 7527 8660