Training resources for speech, language and communication

Education and training for business

All staff working with children aged 0-18 and 25 years for children with special education needs should have speech language and communication as part of their training and development.

As part of the EYSEND Partnership, Speech and Language UK are offering free training for early years workforce, this training is suitable for Family Hub teams, family support workers, family engagement workers, parenting support teams, early help teams, play development workers, creche workers, adult and family learning teams, 0-19 health teams, social care, voluntary sector providers.

The speech and language therapy team offer several free training sessions, which include universal services but numbers are limited, so if you would like to book yourself/ your team onto any training sessions, please speak to a member of your management team.

NELI delivers oral language enrichment and intervention programme for children in the year before they enter formal education – usually three to four year olds. The programme provides a 20-week evidence-based language intervention for all children, as well as additional targeted support for the children who need it the most. It includes an easy-to-use and reliable assessment of language skills, called LanguageScreen, CPD-certified training and end-to-end support.

Professional Development Training Programme - The Coventry Early Years and Childcare Professional Development Training Programme, outlines training and briefing opportunities for Coventry Ofsted registered Childminders, Private, Voluntary and Independent Nurseries, playgroups, Out of School Clubs and School Nurseries/Reception classes.

The National Literacy Trust evidence-based CPD and inspiring conferences to help evaluate, plan and take action to improve literacy outcomes in your setting. The training offer helps professionals to develop skills through innovative best practice and the latest research with training courses and events, designed to help you take action to improve literacy outcomes.