Local support and guidance

Coventry City Council and One Coventry logo lockup

Coventry Family Information Directory has all the links for support for children and young people, including information about finding suitable childcare, such as a childminder, nursery / playgroup. These childcare providers will support and help assess children’s speech, language and communication skills, if a child attends their provision.

Coventry Speech and Language Therapist Service have put together some fantastic top tips and online videos that are available for Parents and Carers.

Family Hubs are places where children, young people and their families can go when in need of help and support. Families can access any of the eight hubs across the city and staff will work in partnership with you and your community. The Family Hub Staff will provide you with information, advice and support and ensure that you get the right help at the right time from a range of different services. Family Hubs provide universal activities available to all Coventry families through Stay Together, Play Together sessions (0-5 years) and Baby and Me sessions (0-2 years) where both have a focus on communication and language development. For more information please visit (www.coventryfamilies.co.uk ) or contact your local Family Hub on 0800 8870545.

Libraries – There are many Libraries across Coventry who hold Free Rhyme Time sessions, which are a great place for toddlers to use language in a fun and engaging way. The library service also works with partners at South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust who sometimes attend rhyme time sessions with useful health and wellbeing advice for your little ones.

Online Services: There are 2 free apps that are available to all parents to help support speech, language, and communication for their child, 50 things to do and Easy Peasy App.

Phone Services Support:  If you want to speak to a Health Visitor about advice for your child’s speech and language development, there is a chat health messaging service that is manned Monday to Friday by a trained member of staff.

Text Chat to 07507 329114, Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm

Telephone 024 7518 9190 (8.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday).

Progress Tracker: Over 1.9 million children currently struggle with talking and understanding words, if you would like to see how far your child has developed with their talking, please see the progress tracker below.

SEND Local Offer- supports children and families with speech and communication development.

Start for Life- In Coventry, we want all children to get the Best Start for Life. To do this, we are making sure that there is a focus on the first 1,001 days of a child’s life, from conception to the age of two. Experiences during this time build the foundations for emotional and physical wellbeing and will influence children’s futures.