Self-harm support and self-help resources

If you're in crisis

If you have physically harmed yourself, or if you are at immediate risk of harm, call 999 or go to A&E.

If someone is having a mental health crisis, but their life is not at immediate risk, call 111 and selecting ‘mental health option’. It can also be accessed online via

For people who are deaf or have hearing loss, use the following link to be connected to local crisis service – NHS 111 – SignVideo.

Anyone can call for themselves or someone else can call for them. NHS 111 is for all ages, including children and young people and those with neurodevelopmental needs.

Services offering crisis support (phone or text)

  • Samaritans: 116 123 (Free 24hr helpline) / (E- mail)
  • Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust: 24/7 Crisis line offering immediate support and advice for those needing urgent help for a mental health condition. GPs/ other professionals can refer, or individual can refer themselves. Individual will be assessed over the phone and triaged for a clinical (NHS) review, as appropriate. Phone number: 111 and select the mental health option.
  • Coventry & Warwickshire Safe Haven: Providing out-of-hours, friendly, non-clinical crisis support every day between 6pm–11pm for adults aged 16+. Contactable by phone, text, email or face-to-face at drop-ins. Available between 6pm-11pm on 024 7601 7200 (Telephone) or by text on 07790 777039 (Coventry mobile for texts) or 07852 010146 (Warwickshire mobile for texts). Can also contact by email at Website provides more information on location of drop-in venues: Home - CW Safe Haven
  • Shout: Text the word 'SHOUT' to 85258 (Free 24hr text service)
  • Papyrus (HOPELineUK): Offers confidential support and practical advice for suicide prevention. For under-35s though will also take calls from older adults and signpost appropriately. 0800 068 41 41 (Telephone 24/7 every day of the year) / (E-mail) / 07860 039967 (Text service)
  • National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK: 0800 689 5652 (Helpline available 6pm-midnight)
  • Childline: 0800 1111 (Free 24hr helpline) / Self-harm | Childline (specific page around self-harm)

Local services that can provide support to those who self-harm

Non-crisis mental health helplines

  • Young Minds Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 (Parents Helpline – Mon-Fri 9:30am-4pm)—online chat function also available.
  • Changing Faces: 0300 012 0275 (Telephone) Mon-Fri 10am-4pm / Webform (webform)—providing emotional support with individuals with a “visible difference” (including visible scarring because of self-harm).
  • Self-injury Support (for women and girls): / 0808 800 8088 (Telephone) / 07537 432444 (Text) Open Mondays and Thursdays 7pm-10pm (anyone of any gender can access support via these helplines).

National services offering other forms of non-crisis direct support (including text services, support groups, apps, counselling services)

  • Anna Freud: Offer direct counselling for children and young people and their parents. Website also contains a lot of written information/ signposting to other resources (not specifically self-harm).
  • Battlescars: Have virtual peer-support groups and have a peer-support line (NB NOT a crisis/helpline)—individuals can self-refer, or professionals can refer patients via the website.
  • Calm Harm:
  • Charlie Waller: Contains videos and written information for young people and a guide for parents
  • Coventry and Warwickshire Rise (CAMHS): (contains resources for parents, young people and professionals around mental health in general but also some specific resources around self-harm)
  • Coping with self-harm: a guide for parents and carers – available for free download.
  • Dear Life: Help and support for anyone experiencing thoughts of suicide or significant self-harm (or someone they know) (website)
  • Dimensions Tool: Free online tool providing personalised information to support an individual’s wellbeing and mental health. Can be used to find support. (website)
  • Harmless: Contains written information on self-harm for individuals affected and their families/friends. Also, a useful resource hub for professionals. NB, they do provide direct clinical support but not to out-of-area referrals currently, so C&W residents would not be eligible (as of March 2024).
  • Head above the waves: Free resources for supporting young people's mental health in schools. School workshops available (digital and in person) to help with understanding self-harm (paid for).
  • Kooth: Contains written information around mental health aimed at children and young people (11-25). Also has direct support in the form of 1:1 chat either through text or instant messaging.
  • LifeSIGNS: Containing written advice for coping mechanisms etc specifically around self-harm and an online community discussion board)
  • Mind: Specific self-harm page for young people 11-18 / General self-harm page / Infoline: 0300 123 3393 (Infoline Mon-Fri 9am-6pm) / (E-mail)
  • Papyrus (HOPELineUK): website contains downloadable resources on self-harm, distraction techniques, coping strategies. Also contains a downloadable parent’s guide
  • RCPSYCH: Young people who self-harm: a guide for school staff.
  • Recover Your Life: Self-harm specific online forum with articles around self-harm and a section dedicated to distraction including online games
  • Rethink Mental Illness: Website
  • Samaritans Self-Help Website
  • Self-injury Support (for women and girls): Contains articles around coping mechanisms, distraction, wounds/scars as well as supporting someone who is self-harming.
  • Staying safe: Aimed at suicidal adults is also useful for adolescents who self-harm including videos/information on distracting oneself from distressing thoughts and making a safety plan
  • The Mental Health Foundation.
  • The Mix: 4pm-11pm every day, also have a counselling service. For people aged 11-25.
  • The Violet Project: Online support group for people who care for someone who self-harms. Website also contains written advice for those supporting people who are self-harming and a bereavement support group for those affected by suicide.
  • Visiting your general practitioner – A guide for young people with lived experience of self-harm and suicidality PDF resource
  • Young Minds: Intended audience: young people, parents, professionals

Emergency and urgent mental health support

In an emergency, always contact 999. You can contact the local mental health crisis line 24/7, 365 days/year via NHS 111 and selecting 'mental health option'

Telephone: 111

Rise logo

CAMHS Rise - Navigation Hub

You can also consider contacting the CAMHS Rise – Navigation Hub

Telephone: 0300 200 2021

Children's mental health support services directory

Use this directory to search for services across Coventry that can provide support on a range for a range of needs.

Mental Health Support Directory

Contact us

If you would like to add your service to our mental health directory, or make an amendment to existing information, please email us. Please note this email address is not for individual enquiries and is not regularly monitored.