Support for Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers' Children (UASC)

A number of unaccompanied young people under the age of 18 years have sought asylum in Coventry. They originate from many countries including Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Uganda, Somalia, Cameroon, Angola, Kosovo, and China. As a Local Authority, we have a duty under The Children Act 1989, to offer support and guidance to this group of vulnerable young people.

How we can help

Our Through Care service deals with all referrals of UASC's to Social Care.

After an assessment, we arrange for the required assistance and support to be provided. We also assist with accessing other support agencies using the services of a translator if required.

We endeavour to assist any young person we are supporting who wishes to trace their families overseas; we do this in partnership with the Red Cross.

We also assist young people we are supporting in seeking emotional support caused by severe trauma and will put them in touch with the relevant help required.

Before young people are 18 years we contact the appropriate agencies to try and ensure a smooth transfer. Once young people have reached the age of 18 years support is available from the Local Authority via The Through Care team up until the age of 25 years.

Useful information

Through Care

Migrant Help
Asylum Helpline Advice Service
Free asylum helpline: 0808 8010 503

Asylum Support Application UK
Asylum Helpline Support Application Services
Tel: 0808 8000 631

The Refugee Council
Children Panel
Advice Line: 020 7346 1134