Local Authority Asylum Support Liaison Officers (LAASLOs)


As part of migration team, Local Authority Asylum Support Liaison Officers (LAASLOs) aim to facilitate the smooth transition for those granted refugee status from government-supported accommodation into mainstream services during their 28-day 'move on' period.  

LAASLOs also support to connect asylum seekers to available services whilst they live in the city and preparing them in advance for both a positive and negative decision from the asylum process and also offers advice and signposting for those asylum seekers receiving a negative decision on their asylum claim. 

Job purpose   

We will work with the Home Office to manage a caseload of asylum seekers supported under s.95 of the Asylum and Immigration Act 1999 and have had their asylum claim determined to provide a holistic support service by:   

  • Providing advice, information and guidance to those granted asylum or other leave to remain in the UK on how to access mainstream service.     

For those asylum seekers awaiting a decision we will:   

  • Advice clients on options they have depending on the outcome of their asylum claim.  
  • Flag the support available if a positive decision is made on their asylum claim.  

The main duties of LAASLO's are: 

To support the successful integration of adults and families granted asylum by minimising rates of homelessness, rough sleeping, poor health, economic hardship and social isolation and improving proficiency in the English language.  

In order to enhance their integration, we will assess clients and provide advice and support during the 'move on' period on appropriate services covering:  

  • Housing   
  • Benefits   
  • Health   
  • Employment   
  • English language   

We also aim:

  • To work collaboratively with local statutory and Voluntary and Community Sector organisations by promoting their services and managing client referrals as appropriate.   
  • To record all referrals made and work with statutory and voluntary and community sector organisations to track progress and monitor outcomes.  
  • To take into account the benefit to the established resident community of activities and interventions taken.  
  • To tailor the national approach to supporting successful new refugees by designing and agreeing on innovative interventions appropriate to the local area. 

Make a referral to LAASLOs


We will be working with internal and external partners such as Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre, St Francis of Assisi Church, Coventry Law Centre, Foleshill Women's Training and others. 

For more information contact buildingbridgesproject@coventry.gov.uk