Other resources

Other resources

Coventry Safeguarding Children’s Partnership Training Programme

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and in particular protecting them from significant harm is dependent on the effective joint working between agencies and professionals that have different roles and expertise.

Access inter-agency training.

Coventry Virtual School

Coventry Virtual School is a service provided by dedicated professionals within the Children, Schools and Families Directorate whose work is to promote and co-ordinate educational support for Looked After Children and Care Leavers to succeed at nursery, school, college and university; wherever their place of learning.

Coventry Virtual School work in partnership with schools, social workers, carers and other professionals. To ensure all are working together successfully to help children achieve their potential.

Access Virtual School training.

UK Safer Internet Centre

The UK Safer Internet Centre has worked together with Islington Council to create leaflets for Foster Carers, Special Guardians and Adoptive Parents. The leaflets, which are free to download and easy to print; include top tips and conversation starters to help Carers and parents get to grips with internet safety.