Our values

Our One Coventry Values are at the heart of our approach to delivery, defining us as an organisation, and underpinning how we will work with others.

One Coventry values

Delivery requirements

Our priorities are ambitious and challenging in equal measure, but we believe that our One Coventry approach puts us in a strong position to deliver; if we are focused, committed and work together to make a difference. This will require radical change for resources to be redirected in order for progress to be made. We will also seek to share resources and support with our communities and partners – taking a One Coventry approach.

Our workforce

Our workforce is essential to the delivery of our priorities. As an agile workforce (flexible working offer for our workforce), we are better able to respond to the needs of residents while providing a better work/life balance for our people. Combined with delivering our Workforce Engagement Plan to support a motivated and engaged workforce, our Workforce Diversity & Inclusion Strategy will ensure a diverse and inclusive organisation representative of the community it serves.

Our commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion

Coventry City Council is committed to making a difference to the lives of the people of Coventry by improving equality of access to our services; achieving a culture of respect for people from different backgrounds, challenging harassment and discrimination; ensuring that our employment opportunities are fair, and our workforce is representative of our city. The Council's approach to equality is to focus on the things that really make a difference to people's lives and this is embedded in the One Coventry Council Plan's objectives.

We will continue to ensure that the Council meets its obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty, building on our successes at fostering good relations between Coventry’s communities of identity and maintaining fair and equal access to Council functions. Through ongoing customer monitoring, satisfaction, and engagement approaches, we will strengthen and utilise our growing evidence bases at both Corporate and service levels to identify the differential experiences of individual groups in Coventry accessing Council services, and proactively respond to make these as fair and equitable as possible.

We will strengthen the methodology and governance around our approach to undertaking Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs), ensuring that all Council functions are engaging with, and assessing the impact of their services for Coventry’s communities as appropriate, as well as considering any potential health inequalities on these communities.

We will also continue to monitor progress against the Council’s equality objectives; these are the identified equality priorities for the Council and the areas which we believe will help deliver improvements on policy-making, service delivery and employment.

Communication, engagement and collaboration

We recognise the importance of communication, engagement and collaboration with residents and communities, putting resident and community voices at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to working together with organisations in Coventry, listening to and working more closely with communities to identify and respond to the challenges faced by the city. Striving to ensure communities are not only well-informed about the work we are doing but have an opportunity to influence and be part of what we do.

Using insight and evidence

We will use insight from the information and data that we collect to understand the needs of our city and its residents. We will use this as evidence to inform decision-making; drive conversations with communities and to ensure that we target Council resources in a way that ensures we are in the best possible position to improve outcomes for local residents and deliver our priorities.

Policy and partnership working

The Council is committed to playing a leading role in responding to national and regional policy for local government. We also recognise our own role in local policy setting, leading on innovative approaches to working differently, testing new ideas and offering opportunities for others to learn from the work that we do. The role of local government has changed significantly over recent years and we must be a part of that change, taking every opportunity to learn, develop and improve.

Coventry has a strong history of partnership working, and the Council plays a key role in promoting collaboration across public, private, and voluntary and community sectors in the city. At a time when resources are scarce, it is even more important that organisations work more collaboratively and that our efforts are focused on the right things. Working more seamlessly across organisational boundaries and delivering services differently that are designed with residents is at the heart of our ambitions. We will continue to use our convening capacity to improve the quality of the lives of residents, working with partners and communities to build capacity and making the most effective use of city-wide resources.

Measuring success

We will track the delivery of our priorities and identify opportunities for improvement to ensure that we deliver the Council's vision for the city. We will continue to monitor Council performance against a comprehensive set of performance indicators and publish our findings. See further details on our performance.

The delivery of the One Coventry Council Plan is supported by a range of policies and strategies, each with its own delivery plan. See further details on our key policy and strategy documents.

Progress against key programmes of work included in this plan will be reported on an annual basis. The plan will be subject to an annual review process. The process is set out in our Performance Management Framework.