Coventry CCT (Complex Communications Team)
Community Autism Support Service (CASS) launched to support families across Coventry and Warwickshire.
Community Autism Support Service (CASS) Events - 27 Upcoming Activities and Tickets | Eventbrite The Community Autism Support Service (CASS) provide a range of online training sessions and supportive toolkits for professionals. There are also lots of resources and sessions for parents and carers that might be useful to signpost.
Nip in the Bud
A series of short films with Autism as their focus and related factsheets at the bottom of the page.
- Dan and Charlie: 5 years on, life on the Autism Spectrum 9 mins
- Rachel: Life as a SENCO 14 mins
- Autism Spectrum: Tips for Teachers 5 mins
- Autism Spectrum Condition in Children Information Film 11 mins
- Autism and Co-existing Conditions in Children 10 mins
- Raising a Child with Autism: Carrie and David 12 mins
- Growing up with Autism: Tylan 10 mins
- Living with Autism: Dan and Charlie 19 mins
The Autism Education Trust
The Autism Education Trust is widening the reach of good autism practice and support to all professionals working with autistic children & young people. Browse their website to find out more about their professional development training programme, practical tools and FREE resources.
The Autism Education Trust Work-Based CPD Programme is an online, accessible video-based learning focused on developing autism awareness and good autism practice in schools- cost attached and log in required to find out more.
A SENCOs Guide to Supporting Children with Autism.
The National Autistic Society
The National Autistic Society provides diagnostic services, training, accreditation, consultancy and conferences, designed to support all professionals and organisations. Cost attached and log in required to access training. Quick reads on a range of difficulties associated with Autism, and a short 3 minute video titled 'What is Autism?'.
Advice and Guidance on Autistic Women and Girls.
NASEN and Whole School SEND
Whole School SEND along with NASEN have produced some very good resources for use by schools. Most come for free when you have created a log in but you can also purchase CPD at a reasonable cost. See the following links:
- Mini guide: Girls with Autism: Flying Under the Radar
- An introduction to Autism- 12 minute video
- The Autism Resource Suite | Whole School SEND
Autism Spectrum Teacher/ Autism for Teachers
Resources and training for teachers and parents to support autistic children's learning and help them to thrive' with Autism Specialist Teacher, Steph Reed. A range of podcasts, free training, reasonably priced training and other resources including short videos.
Sensory processing and ASD
57 minute training session: Autism Research Institution
Books for Children
- Book Trust: This booklist aims to provide a range of children's and teens' books that feature characters who are autistic, or who have Autistic Spectrum Conditions.
- BIBIC- Top 5 book recommendations to understand autism.
- Jessica Kingsley Publishers
ADHD Foundation
- A resource to be used with children to understand their Autism.
- A SENCO's Guide to Supporting Children with Autism
Difficulties at lunch or breaktimes
Creative Education
- A basic introduction to self-regulation difficulties: 5 module- at a reasonable cost
- Ten Top Tips and Strategies to help children with self-regulation difficulties: 12 modules- at a reasonable cost
- Practical Strategies to support Autistic Girls to Attend and enjoy school: 2 modules- at a reasonable cost
- Simple steps towards an Autism friendly classroom: 5 modules: to purchase at a reasonable cost
Amazing Things Project
Short videos to share with children to help understand different needs:-
- Amazing Things Happen! (
- Amazing Kids - Autistic Spectrum Condition (Better audio levels) (
- Why Autism is a Difference, not a Deficit (
- Supporting a Child With Autism in the Classroom | A How To (
- Autism Training For Teachers & Schools | Online Course (
- Autism Speaks- American organisation but some useful information and practical ideas
- Ambitious About Autism: Lots of useful information to read
- Supporting Young People with Meltdowns: support document: The NEST Approach (PDF)
- How can schools better support neurodivergent young people?: support document: How Can Schools Better Support Neurodivergent Young People (PDF)
- Autism and Sleep: support document: SG Autism and Sleep Compressed.pdf - Google Drive
- Good to be me- video for children- Training/ Consultancy | Spectrum Gaming
Sensory audit for schools and classrooms
This sensory audit is to help staff to assess and create an environment that enables the participation of pupils with autism. It does not cover all aspects but gives ideas on the ways in which a setting might be altered if pupils experience sensory processing difficulties and find it hard or very anxiety-provoking to tolerate certain sensations or situations.
Resources for Visual Timetables: Widgit Online
Autistic and OK | Ambitious about Autism
Download the Autistic and OK toolkit, empowering autistic pupils to take control of their mental health and wellbeing, understand themselves, and feel OK. Each of the four peer-led sessions on the topics of anxiety, depression, OCD, and bullying contains:
- session plans
- PowerPoint presentation slides
- worksheets: for individual and group work
- peer facilitators guide.
Autism for Teachers - YouTube
A series of 4 videos covering:
- Autism and Sensory Processing(9 mins)
- Autism and Social Communication(15 mins)
- The Autism Spectrum: Why it is not Linear (2 mins)
- What is Neurodiversity? (5 mins)